
Navy Day 2024

Arleigh Burke class destroyer Flight III

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October 27 brings us Navy Day. It is an unofficial but highly relevant celebration by we supporters of the Navy. It goes down 2 weeks after the birthday of the Navy. Since 1922 this day was created under the auspices of the Navy League for honoring and supporting the men and women of the Navy.

It was officially observed until 1949 when the first Secretary of Defense, peckerhead Louis A Johnson, announced that Armed Forces Day would officially replace Navy Day commencing the following year. What a chicken shit coward.

The Navy League is a civilian organization and was therfore unaffected by peckerhead Johnson’s directive. They continued to organize events celebrating the original Navy Day on October 27, well attended by both civilians and Navy personnel.

As a Navy man from a Navy family I observe Navy Day and everything else Navy in honor of my daddy MMCM Jim Williamson, Jr. My nephew the QMCS carries on the family navy tradition. I only wish daddy were here to see his success passing through the ranks.

So a happy Navy Day to you.