Today is the US Naval Reserve Birthday. It is celebrated annually each March 3rd to commemorate the establishment of the United States Navy Reserve.
The Navy Reserve was established in 1915, making it more than a century younger than the US Navy.
This particular anniversary is not a federal holiday but it typically observed at various Navy Reserve units, Reserve Headquarters, and at the Navy Memorial in Washington DC.
I was a reservist. Reservists are members of the Navy Reserve. My designation was "3 x 6" whereby I did 3 years active duty, 1 year active reserve, and 1 year inactive reserve.
I wasn't what I would call a "good" sailor. Gung ho didn't arrive for me til much later in life. I was however squared away on active duty. I'm afraid I didn't take reserve drill quite so serioiusly.
I have attempted to do penance for my poor military attitude by contributing to the welfare of those disabled veterans at the local VA Hospital.
I get them a lot of activity related and playing card Christmas stuff to make their lonely holidays more special in the hopes that they have good luck and smooth sailing.
I am a sinner. I haven't always done as well as I might have. I have tried to do better in my later life. The patients and the nurses at the VA appreciate me.