My best ole ex friend the late Charlie Paschal once said that I was a "wordsmith". One who has an ability to phrase meaningful sentences in unique ways.
Today is National Word Nerd Day. It is said to be a January 9th observance to emphasize the importance of language in culture as they pertain to phraseology and communication.
Words have importance to civilization and historical representations of fact.
This is why the transsexuals, other woke idiots and BLM want to change history. They don't know what the real historical facts are and therefore seek to "educate" every one else with their false notions and misrepresentations.
Luckily enough of us who understand that the lessons of history must be repeated in the face of erroneous factual presentation exists to quash these attempts by the left to stupify the entirety of the masses at every turn.
I didn't make the trans, woke, and BLM stupid. They repeatedly go out of their way to express just how stupid they are however with their never ending falsehoods and selfish psychobabble presented as a replacement for rational thought where there is none.
Understanding words allows you to bone up on the facts so you are not led astray as ALL TOO MANY have been of late. I'm glad the genZ people seem to be straightening out for themselves.