
National Weather Observers Day 2024

I keep a fairly consistent eye on the weather. Mostly due to my intolerance of excessive heat. It seems that the deep south is known for the heat and humidity of the Summer months in particular. I pay extra to maintain a 4 ton central air conditioning unit so all my computer and networking equipment doesn't suffer — as well as my corpulent carcass.

Today is National Weather Observers Day. It is held each May 4th. The multitude of meterologists utilize government and private resources to report weather and climate conditions — and I am right in there scarfing it all up as though I really matter in the big picture.


The day was created by one Alan Brue, a psychology major at the State University of New York on May 4, 1989. It was developed for both amateur and professional weather people to honor their passion for the weather and atmospheric phenomena.

The weather happens 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Those responsible for keeping track of meterology and climatology keep similar hours. There is also a historical records component which allows comparative weather readings and it's all very useful and interesting to me personally.

So here's to you weather observers. Keep up the good work and I'll keep right on following you !