Avoidance of the sun has been a constant in my life.
To cap it off, ever since I sustained second and third degree sunburn back in 1975 I've pretty much learned my lesson.
Perhaps it was the stern brow beating I received from my good friend, the late Dr William G Alderman in the Richland ER regarding the dangers of skin cancer as well as that intense pain and suffering I endured as well.
Today is National Stay Out of the Sun Day.
It happens each July third in an effort to encourage a much needed break from the UV radiation damage inevitable in those who pursue sunshine actively.
A "sun seeker" is someone I have neither been nor pursued.
In actuality, relationships have ended over this characteristic because I cannot go out in the sun and cook all day for some perceived chance at social interaction later. It's simply not worth it.
So regardless of whether you actively pursue sunshine or not — today is a day to give it all a rest in the name of reduced skin damage.
Suntans result in skin damage. Sunburns are much more severe in that regard. Go there if you like. Been there done that.