
National Speak in Complete Sentences Day 2022

I realize this entry will place me in contention with various others but like the about section plainly states ...

but if we get off on the wrong foot from the perspective of agreement, so be it
I have always been one to enunciate clearly. This, however, is not a propensity shared by many of those at work ... and indeed school children either as far as I can tell.

When a person can only speak in some self invented dialect like the so-called ebonics (which is actually just very poor english grammar interspersed with ethinic slang and idioms) it reveals a failure in the ability to interact with good operational english and failed interpersonal skills.

When a student utilizes the elements of texting in formal written essays in school it indicates a level of stupidity and inability to judge context and appropriateness in real time.

    Eliminate the NEA

When a school system stops teaching cursive writing such that students graduate the system without being able to read or write it there are indications for a need to bludgeon a bunch of stupid green haired woke bitches who should have never been allowed to teach the children of the United States of America.

Yes, education has failed because of the leftist libtard element pervading it.

Today is National Speak in Complete Sentences Day. It is observed annually each May 31st. The day is dedicated to using proper sentence structure while speaking. Speaking in complte sentences builds grammar skill because a complete sentence will have a variety of grammatical elements and exercise those in practical application.

This has become lost on too many because of the failed libtard indoctrination first teach history, critical thinking, or relevance NEVER school system such as that operated by the NEA. The NEA are enemies of the nation and we should purge their members from the face of the earth.

It is important to speak in full sentences in an effort to build clarity in thought. The concept has been lost in the bullshit of a so-called "woke culture", idiotic rantings like critical race theory which is a pseudoscience. The moronic nature of boys thinking they're girls and girls thinking they're boys all because some sicko is allowed to influence the children of others.

It's deleterious to the foward thinking nature upon which The Republic was based.

Boo libtard NEA.
Boo woke culture.
Boo LGBT perverts.
Boo ebonics.
Boo public education.

Failures, each and every one.