I am what is known as a teetotaler. This is one who abstains completely from alcoholic beverages.
It wasn't always this way. I once would sit and imbibe with the best of them. Then the information that I suffered from metabolic syndrome X and adult onset diabetes hit me like a brick wall. I did a lot of reading on the condition and decided that drinking was decidedly bad for persons with that condition.
So now I don't do much drinking at all, but will partake VERY occasionally if among good friends.
Today is National Sober Day.
It is an annual ocurrence each September 14. It is said to be a part of National Sober Month under the auspices of "Real Aligned Women" who refer to themselves as a "sisterhood for sobriety". It is also sponsored by The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration which are essentially a bunch of psychology majors with a psychological label for all occasions.
The thrust of this observance is getting and staying sober. I no longer engage in substance abuse of any kind so this is not something I need a bunch of 'holier than thou' psychology so-called "professionals" to push on me.
Be all of this as it may keep your degree and your opinions away from me. Been there, done that and NONE of you were helpful or germane to any of my substance abuse issues at all.