
National Slap Your Coworker Day 2024

Today is one of those contrived holidays in which you might find me participating.

The coworker can sometimes be a taxing issue in the office. Sometimes their needs are said to outweigh your own whereby they will interrupt what you have going on to pursue their requirements as a priority. There is also a propensity for some to gab all day long, pop bubble gum, clip frabbid fingernails and of course — suck up to the boss whomever he or she might be.

Today is National Slap Your Coworker Day. It happens each October 23 and is that time to take matters into your own hand upside someone's head and thwack that annoying coworker who may be bugging you. Go all Power Slap on them.

Yes, sometimes the only solution is to bitch slap someone's bitch ass. I would be the very FIRST to do it. This is that day you've been awaiting ever since the annoying coworker came to work there.

So I hope you'll take the opportunity to set someone in their place posthaste. After all, they've been asking for it. May as well give it to them. Make them spit teeth.

Happy National Slap Your Coworker Day.