
National Roof Over Your Head Day 2024

    home sweet home
I am fortunate to have a roof over my head. My beginnings were sparse and let me say ... somewhat irresponsible. It was as though I were never going to amount to anything.

Then I enlisted in the Navy, evaluated my life, attitudes, and opinions then began to straighten up. I sought what was above and beyond my druggie cohorts. I pursued excellence in a field where there were few peers.

Now I have completed a successful career. It wasn't 'plan A' or even 'plan B' — but some variant I never anticipated.

So today is National Roof Over Your Head Day. It proposes that we give thanks for what we have, particularly the roof over our heads since so many lack this basic necessity. Food, clothing, and shelter. The three needs of mankind and all to many of us are unfortunate in the provisioning of their lives.

So as you lounge around your home this holiday season I hope you'll give thanks for those tender mercies related to home ownership.

No Place like Home