
National Religious Freedom Day 2025

    small white church
Religion is a longstanding system of that belief in — and reverence for a supernatural power or powers, regarded as creating and governing the universe.

Specifically, it refers to your specific variety of that belief as it relates to doctrine and practice.

So belief in a spiritual leader typically results in beliefs, values, and practices based on their teachings.

Religion is disparate. It exhibits fundamental differences in kind.

National Religious Freedom Day is observed each January 16 to promote peace and acceptance among the religions of the world. The day emphasizes the right to personal religious beliefs.

You may go to worship in a formal church based surroundings or not.

Not all nations hold liberal tolerance for religious beliefs. There are countries with "state" religions who will punish you severely for failure to adhere to their tenets.

The signing of the International Religious Freedom Act in 1998 in addition to US Congress and US Presidential Administration have added impetus to this notion of religious freedom.

My personal views are of a Christian caucasian Christ and Godhead orientation.

I am not a church goer per se opting for online and televised biblical study for which I make no apologies.

I am also not one of these who holds some denominational religion in high esteem.

Denominations are separist traditions of men.

I understand that there are many who beg to differ with me regarding this.

For example, I think that the sitting Pope Francis is a blatant miscreant heretic who should be burned alive at the stake. I would gladly pile on the wood and light the brush kindling in the best notions of those beginning scenes in the movie Elizabeth of 1998.

I will also accept those beliefs you hold for yourself and would never belittle them as a matter of course unless they are parallel to the notions of the heretic Francis, Bishop of Rome. Boo !

However, in the presence of religious freedom I will retain the right to choose that set of religious notions which mesh with my attitudes otherwise.

Happy National Religious Freedom Day.