
National Pothole Day 2023

The Brits have National Pothole Day each January 15 in observance of potholes on their roads.

Potholes are depressions or hollows in the road surfaces usually caused by impact wear, freezing water, or sinking.

However, I'm afraid that Great Britain doesn't have the patent on potholes — and they are no less irritating and damaging on this side of the pond. Therefore, I have taken the opportunity to commandeer this observance for we Yanks suffering from similar issues in the pursuit of conveyance on public roadways.

Potholes are a menace on the streets and hopefully this day will cause their numbers to diminish. Surely the incorporated municpalities of the world will come to realize that cultivating a 'pothole hell' is not really good for amassing a base of happy taxpayers.

Happy National Pothole Day.