
National Plant a Flower Day 2022

Passiflora incarnata
I have always loved flowers.

I am particularly interested in the south carolina maypop aka Passiflora incarnata aka Passion Vine which has exotic blue and white blooms errupting from July through September.

I also love the tall sunflower. It is majestic and fields of them have been known to hold my attention for extended periods of time. The ones with which I am familiar were planted to attract birds for hunters but I was enthralled by the appearance of the large sundial like seed pods surrounded by yellow petals.

March 12th brings us National Plant a Flower Day.

The crux of the day is that beauty and fascination flowers bring into our lives. They represent more than 400,000 flowering plant species internationally.

You would be hard pressed not to be able to find something in the way of a flower you like .

Personally, I prefer flowers that are fragrant because I find that simulus most the most pleasing floral experience.

The word flower refers to the the seed-bearing part of a plant. It includes it's reproductive organs which are called stamens and carpels. These are usually surrounded by a brightly colored corolla called petals and a green calyx known as sepals.

Flower blooms are celebrated for the beauty they bring to the surroundings. They also adorn the people of many cultures and have further significance from the symbology they represent to life, nature, and our cultures as people.