March 1 brings us National Pig Day, the annual event celebrating porcine specimens in the United States.
Midwestern areas of the US are primarily the focus of this event, but I know a lot of pigs in the deep south held in equally high esteem.
The holiday originated here in the US in 1972 by sisters Ellen Stanley, a teacher from Lubbock, Texas and Mary Lynne Rave who hailed from Beaufort, North Carolina.
The day is primarily a vehicle to recognize the intrinsic value of the pig ... it's intelligence and such. Unfortunately, it's primary existence consists of procreation for it's role as a food animal.
To add insult to injury the dumb asses at Smithfield sold their company to the gd chinese who now owns a US company.
We should seize all chinese assets in the US and nuke the country from orbit ... preferably while the Bidens are visiting to collect their criminal family payola.