
National Pet Rock Day 2023

    Pet Rock

Yeah the 1970s certainly was the decade for fools. I was a fool. The clothes designers were all fools. Our transition from the psychedelic 1960s to the tacky 1970s was not without it's victims to say the least.

The pet rock was created by one Gary Dahl in April 1975. He was an advertising executive with a rationale to emulate PT Barnum and encounter as many fools as humanly possible.

Yeah, the pet rock. Dumbasses bought these things left and right. Likely they knew it was a joke.

It is said that Mr Dahl made a nice profit on the idea.

Playing your fellow man as a fool works like gangbusters more times than not.

I could never take advantage of the mentally deficient ... I would hope.

Any I never owned a pet rock. I never wanted a pet rock. I never thought it to be clever nor cute nor a worthwhile endeavor. I saw it all as the trendy froth of nothingness that it appeared to be.

Luckily for Gary Dahl the markeplace in 1975 begged to differ with me.

Happy National Pet Rock Day. Fool.