My home office is pretty spacious these days. Whereas it once occupied a small area in a portion of a back room now it pretty much envelops my entire living room ... and I keep a couch and overstuffed chair handy for visitors.
Today is National Organize Your Home Office Day. It is an annual event observed each second Tuesday of March.
The day is ostensibly to clean up the mess that has accumulated in our home offices and to establish a productive and healthy working environment at home.
Be all of that as it may, the degree of messiness ebbs periodically only to rebuild with avengence.
I for one adhere to the notion that a cluttered desk is a sign of genius.
My only trepidations surround the food stuffs in the mix. So regardless of your degree of mess I'm sure there is room for some modicum of improvement be it large or small.
My efforts in home office organization are ongoing and I frequently not only clean up the mess but rearrange the entirety of my workspace. All in the name of maintaining motivation !