
National Motorcycle Ride Day 2024

Motorcycles are a widely utilized mode of transportation here in the United States. Sometimes these personal conveyances are better left at home in favor of something more appropriate for where you are and what time of day in which you are traveling.

I once had a good friend named Emmett who went on an excursion which left him in traffic at 10:00 pm in a bad area for traveling on a motorcycle.

The state of South Carolina has seen fit to terminate the driver's education program, so now we have idiots driving around without a shred of training and no insight or intellect on top of every thing else. All the highway patrol can do is check to see if you're wearing a seat belt.

Duh! Everybody seems to think they have the right of way anymore.

Emmett Tolbert on his Harley Davidson

Emmett impacted a white van which pulled out in front of him at the intersection of Broad River at Beatty Road and was killed. His wife was riding behind him and he diminished her impact somewhat but still she suffered serious injury necessitating a protracted stay in intensive care and pretty much lost her husband and that lifestyle she enjoyed very much.

The sad tale is left dangling by the fact that there was no funeral nor formal obit for Emmett so this marks the end of his story from my perspective.

Today is National Motorcycle Ride Day.

It is observed the second Saturday in October.

I don't have much to say regarding this holiday except be careful. There are two children who lost their father and a wife who lost her husband because he chose to ride in a bad area at a bad time of day on a motorcycle. The people on the road really don't care if you have the green light or not. Emmett had the green light and look at what he received.


07/30/16 5:20 PM


Richland County Coroner Gary Watts is releasing the name of the individual who was killed last night after being involved in a two-vehicle collision at 10:25 p.m. The incident occurred on Broad River Road at Beatty Road, Columbia, SC.

Emmett Eugene Tolbert, date of birth 10/13/1972, of Leatherwood Drive, Lugoff, SC, died at the scene when the motorcycle he was driving collided with another vehicle. An autopsy conducted this morning indicated the cause of death was due to blunt force trauma to the head. Mr Tolbert was not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision.
The SC Highway Patrol is investigating the incident

Rest in peace.

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