I've lead a fairly fearless life. I have gone boldly where others decline to tread. I have faced the enemy and prevailed. I have fought dock fights at Charleston and won. I have fought other dock fights in other places and lost. However, in the end I was a winner for getting out there and facing the formidable. I have vanquished many — both intellectually and physically — who attempted to take me out.
Today is National Live Fearless Day. The day is held each September 2 in an effort to promote living fearlessly under the auspices of one Landry Champlin. Fearless does not mean stupid. Sometimes it is better to remain outside the fray and live to fight another day. Courage is the name of the game. Fear is always there to temper our actions. I would have gone nowhere had I allowed it to take control.
This is why when the civil war against the woke and the democrats finally arrives I am ready. I am prepared to die toward the end of eradicating them from the nation. There will be no fear stressing me out. It will be me or them and that is the sum total of the equation.
So though my dreams have past I hope you will pursue yours with vigor and vitality and don't let fear get you down.
Face your fears and and pursue your dreams for life is short. Do something meaningful to you.