
National Lighthouse Day 2024

Morris Island Lighthouse Folly Beach SC    

My status as Navy brat has afforded me a glimpse into a lighthouse or two.

I had an interest in the lighthouse as an art form early in my career but declined to pursue this aspect for other pressing duties — though it passed through my thoughts frequently for a while.

I recall most fondly Chatham Light near Sandwich on Cape Cod because I spent an enjoyable time there touring with my friend and compadre the late Jerry Landry.

Ah, the memories. It seems that lighthouses in general are more of an art form in the Northeast than they are in the Southeast.

I spent some time around the Morris Island Lighthouse when I was a younger man living in Charleston due to my affinity for the coastal waters of the area..

Today is National Lighthouse Day.

In 1789, the Congress passed an act securing the protection of all lighthouses under federal support.

It's a good thing too lest these momentous icons of history pass by the wayside.

The scenic nature of lighthouses will ensure they are an attraction for anyone who happens by them in passing.

This still happens during my forays up the coast periodically. I see fewer of them when I travel down the coast. Also, my traveling days are very much diminished from my Americana heyday way back when.

The dark and stormy nights accompanying heavy seas are why they were implemented.