
National Lemon Juice Day 2024

Lemon Slices    

Lemons are a healthy fruit grown on trees indigenous to the tropics.

My good friend has grown a few of these trees immediately adjacent to a brick wall of her home and they seem to weather the winters here just fine.

The acidic nature of the fruit makes for a pucker here and there and I must say that the taste of a cold lemonade in the Summer makes for an enjoyable interlude.

Today is National Lemon Juice Day. It is observed each August 29th annually.

The juice of lemons is said to have detoxifying effects on the digestive tract.

Lemon juice is added to various drinks, even alcoholic ones. The rind is used as decorative additions called "twists".

There was a song called "Lemon" released by U2 back in November of 1993 inspired by Bono's late mother in home movies wearing a yellow dress which was a favorite of mine for a long time.

All in all I like to pick up a 5 pound bag of lemons at the Chef Store when I can.

It makes for a number of refresing pitchers of lemonade.