Yeah, so I used to fantasize from time to time about being a king. The word means 'ruler' and typically refers to a male reagent so there I was and here we are. Please bow.
I believe my fantasy revolved around my extensive readings of the 12 volume Sir James Frazer’s The Golden Bough and I would indulge these things intermittently but not too often.
My crown preferences are of the thick gold without jewel encrustments because I always envisioned myself as a 'battle king' and would go off on crusades to fight swords, maces, shields, and fisticuffs being basically the extreme ruffian I was.
The disturbing part of The Golden Bough was the many references to killing the king if his abilities should ever weaken. I have also read innumerable accounts of kings living to ripe old ages and dying naturally — and this leaves me wondering if Mr Frazer's accounts may been embellished or contrived.
Regardless, if you hold any kingship fantasies this is the day for them.
You don't have to "really" be a king. Just be cognizant of what a king is and act regal.
From Sargon, though Arthur, and of course the goddam Windsors who are simply woke pussies. A king is a king ... unless you're not — as the Windsors are compelled to demonstrate at every pussified turn.
Wimps. Stand up and rule ... Be a King, Charles III. Not this faker you are.
Get those goddam muslims and adherents to islam out of your country, coward Windsors. Send them back to the nothing deserts from whence they came. Let them go be with Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi whom they murdered.
Oh yeah, in these days it really isn't wise to bring a stick to a gun fight, either.