My playing kickball heyday was in the fifth grade at George R Fishburne Elementary on Murray Drive in Hanahan SC.
I'd like to say that I was a wunderkind at the foot and ball variation on baseball, but as you probably know I was very far removed from all of that.
When I wasn't busy failing at physical prowess I made unfortunate decisions during play that pissed off all my team mates to the point that I gave up on the activity in despair.
Today is National Kickball Day.
Since 2015 it goes down on April 17 each year and is a time to get out there and kick that ball.
It began as a game called "kick baseball" and uses a pitcher, a home plate, and three bases in the same configuration.
So if you're so inclined get on out there and score those points by kicking that ball then running those bases and hopefully you won't be remembered as the miserable failure that I was at the activity.