The concept of caring about another has many permutations. I care for others indeed, but likewise care for some of them more than others.
Take Chiefie. There is nothing she could ask of me that I wouldn't attempt my utmost to make reality.
I have others in my life for whom I care as well. However, not as much as the woman I would have for my very own. Certain rights come with that territory and she holds the key to my heart.
Today we observe National I Care About You Day.
It happens on October 25 and bids you take pause and consider those most important to your feelings and orientation to the planet.
We should plan something special for them that they might know the depth of our caring and consideration of them.
And for no other reason than she is in my life I declare to her and the rest of the world that I am very grateful.
We have a healthy relationship and lifestyle. We don't get together as much as I might like but unlike the Dave of the past I am now more socially aware and sensitive to the needs of others.
So Happy National I Care About You Day and I hope you care for someone as much as I care for Chiefie.