I have been known to drink less water than I should.
There have been numerous substitutions with various soft drinks and other beverages which are much less suitable, particularly in the realms of alcohol and fruit juices.
Today is National Hydration Day which makes note of how remaining well hydrated is essential to good health.
Water Carries nutrients and oxygen to our cells.
It Lubricates joints.
It diminishes the burden the on kidneys and liver by flushing out waste products.
Water assists with dissolving minerals and nutrients to make them accessible to the body.
Much of what transpires in the human body is conducted through that solution of water which permeates our tissues, provides for the various metabolic pathways, and indeed constitutes the bulk of our mass.
Becoming dehydrated is the cause of much those ailments afflicting the human body during it's activities of daily living.
In particular electrolyte balance is achieved through sufficient intake of water.
I try to drink several glasses of water daily in an effort to maintain good health without overdoing it.
Drinking too much water can dilute the electrolyte balance of the body and cause harm as well.