
National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day 2021

    National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
I remember when AIDS hit the scene for me personally.

I was traveling by rental car down the 405 in LA in 1980 or so when Dr Stephen C Lloyd, an internist and computer scientist who was driving brought the topic up and it was one that intrigued me superficially until that time I became more aware of the consequences of contracting this 'plague'.

I also recall a spate of dark humor it invoked within me and I had what seemed to be a never ending string of jokes regarding AIDS and it's victims — because it all seemed so distant ... so far from me and who I was and those I knew in the world.

Now that I am older and much water has passed under the bridge I am less likely to invoke humor when speaking of AIDS. I have seen the effects on people and their families and it simply no longer strikes me as a laughing matter.

I don't know if it's a state of diminished callousness on my part ...

Or simply a function of maturation. Much of that which I once thought to be "funny" now either isn't or just pisses me off anymore.

Funny how immense suffering of those you don't even know can remove humor from a topic of discussion.

In the United States September 18 brings us another National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day.

It is an observance held under the auspices of The AIDS Institute.

The day makes note of the growing number of people living long and full lives with HIV as well as their health and social needs.