Mammy likes Fig Newtons.
She enjoys them with her morning coffee and as a periodic snack.
We typically keep them well stocked — by the case in her home.
That's 36 fig bars per package for a total of 108 servings in a box ... and she's about due for another of these in the immediate future.
Contrary to what Nabisco might say, the Fig Newton is not really a cookie. It is cake wrapped around a fruit center. This would make it a pastry. I think they choose a more main stream name for marketing purposes.
Also, the new age version of the "fig" newton finds a variety of fruit fillings available. Being the Fig Newton purists that we are ...
We prefer the original version.
They have been enjoyed by people since the 19th century when doctors started to promote an increase in dietary fruit to aid digestion.
The name has evolved from "fig roll" to "fig newton" as the result of Nabisco acquiring it as a product for sale.
Regardless, I enjoy them myself so mom and I will likely continue to consume them more or less often as our tastes dictate.
January 16 is National Fig Newton Day. It is an opportune moment to get out and enjoy these pastries for yourself.
Happy National Fig Newton Day.