
National Dunce Day 2024

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are Dunces    

Hey Hey Hey it's National Dunce Day. Just who are the two biggest dunces on the planet ?

The moronic word salad woman Kamala Harris and the totally dumbass Tim Walz who had the absolute audacity to think that the entire nation is as stupid as they are and would vote them into the highest office of our land. Must be due to his attraction to overly stupid women like the idiot he married. Smell those tires dumb bitch. Dream on bumpkins.

Today is National Dunce Day.

It is observed each November 8 annually and commemorates the passing of the Scottish philosopher, John Duns Scotus. His views got mixed reviews during his lifetime and culminate with his belief that cone-shaped hats increased learning potential.

This culminated in the creation of the "dunce cap" which ultimately became the symbol of everything the democrats typify:

Dumbness, stupidity, idiotic policy, attempting to rule the nation, monitizing office, and a failure to benefit from past mistakes.

Not much else is known about the dunce cap proper and I am certain that the two most deserving heads for them at this juncture are the principals of the failed Harris Walz-ticket ... unless, of course, it's those voters stupid enough to endorse, much less vote for them. Then cry about it after they failed to elect these bad ideas in the first place.

What a couple of dullards and their entourage of like minds.

Boo !