
National Day of the Cowboy 2024

McCrae and Call Lonesome Dove    
Here's one I have upon which I have never been too keen.

It's National Day of the Cowboy which falls on the 4th Saturday of July since 2005 making it July 27 this year. It is held under the auspices of an organization called "National Day of the Cowboy" (if you can believe it) and is observed to validate cowboy culture which is alive and well even in the information age.

Don't get me wrong, I did have my cowboy phase which sprang up right about the time of Gene Autry, Roy Rogers and Dale Evans and of course ... The Lone Ranger.

It's just that was 60 years ago and this is now. I no longer wear the cowboy hat and cowboy boots, nor do I don the mask of the Lone Ranger nor play Zorro anymore either.

The day began in the state of Wyoming and grew pretty much nationwide from there. This grassroots movemennt has amassed some 15 states having passed the bill. Coming from a rural area and having been a Navy brat I am well indoctrinated that the cowboy culture has been flourishing as long as I can remember. There were always elaborate hats and cowboy boots in my midst as far back as I can remember.

The crux of the day is raising awareness of rodeos, cowboy history museums, and country fairs, roping demonstrations you know, those things indigenous to cowboy culture in an effort to make sure that cowboy image never dies. I have distinct memories of playing cowboy from my early child hood. When I wasn't wearing a Navy dixie cup I had a cowboy hat on my head.