In my younger days I was known to imbibe much more than I do presently.
When I was in the Navy I cultivated a taste for beer over the period of my enlistment.
I would also engage many a screwdriver as well as the occasional gin and tonic in the Enlisted Mens Club on base because at two bucks a snootful it just couldn't be beat.
Some nights I would stagger back to the BEQ and sleep in a drunken stupor til morning.
Nowadays, I keep a small amount of alcohol under the sink but haven't had a drink in several years.
I attribute this to that realization of my metabolic syndrome and the effects alcohol has upon it.
I tapered down from a few jiggers of Drambuie and Cointreau to the next to nothing I now consume.
I have a life long friend who can down entire bottles of most any liquor at the drop of a hat then ask for more.
I'm afraid this could never be 'me' for a number of reasons the LEAST of which is bars repulse me and are not a target rich environment for companions because I'm looking for friends and allies with a bit more in the way of sober insight.
Today is National Cocktail Day.
It is held each March 24 and notes the alcoholic drinks of which we are known to partake.
This day celebrates those concoctions that remind us of good times, good friends, and going out.
I won't say that I will never drink again. It's just highly improbable given my past efforts.
Happy National Cocktail Day anyway.