
National Clean Your Desk Day 2024

roll top desk    
Maintaining a clean desk has escaped me over the years. It seems that it's not enough that clutter is the sign of a genius, but grime and fingerprints likewise are part of the mix. I have been cohorts with neatnicks who put me to shame. I have also been in the presence of those whom I put to shame.

Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day. It is observed on the second Monday of January annually and was the idea of one Anne Moeller of Clio, Michigan. It is thought that the day may have beginnings in some wayard new years resolution gone astray.

Regardless, it's time to whip out the damp rags and furniture polish if necessary and put some elbow grease into that item which supports your work environment. Eliminate those dust bunnies if you can ...

A mess on your desk may be inefficient and inviting of chaos, but there are all too many of us who go there, including yours truly. I'm afraid that aesthetically pleasing desks do not really affect my motivation — nor productivity levels at all. Some of us are just slobs at heart I guess.

Just let it be known that I sometimes do get all medeval on messiness and whip things into immaculate shape on intermittent occasions.