
National Cat Day 2021

    Hello Kitty
Not a cat fan. Had to become cat tolerant because I was driving my neighbor crazy with the catching of cats in traps.

I decided when I caught hers to cease and desist so I let it go in her yard, apologized, and never caught another to take it to the animal control office on Ball Park Road in Lexington for euthanasia.

Sometimes you have to try to get along.

Today is National Cat Day. The observance is aimed at raising awareness about the needs of rescue cats all over.

The present count of local area strays and ferals needing rescue is in the thousands.

The day also emphasizes the need for spaying and neutering cats in an effort at populaton control.

Stats indicate that in the US about 3.4 million cats are taken to animal rescue shelters each year. 1.4 million of these end up being euthanized.

National Cat Day was created by pet activist Colleen Paige in 2005. It is held each year on October 29th.

I try to be more cat tolerant in honor of my neighbor Janet. We get along much better than we used to I feel largely because of this adjustment in my attitudes.