National call your Doctor Day is a farce. The woke left has allowed so many totally unqualified persons to enter medical school that they are neither passing the coursework nor capable of sound medical decision making.
One of these woke rejects may be your next physician. Merit should be the basis of admission not race you idiots.
This is perfectly evidenced by the moron physicians supporting transgender youngsters in the United States. The absolute stupidity of so many physicians regarding genetics in medicine could not be more pronounced.
There will be a reckoning sooner rather than later when the medical profession is no longer trusted as the legal profession is now.
Read the writing on the wall stupid people.
Today is National Call Your Doctor Day. It is held on the second Tuesday of June. This year it falls on June 11. It's purposes is allegedly to remind and encourage women to schedule their yearly Well-Woman Exam.
My doctor is a nurse clinician trained in the military under battle conditions. We have a certain rapport and do not suffer fools lightly. He understands my background and appreciates my value as a medical historian. I have no intention of departing his care anytime soon.
If you have the stupid osteopath who involved herself with my stepfather you will likely die like he did. All because Richland County South Carolina requires their 911 service to take you to their stupid Richland County Prisma location which is run primarily by dullard asshole students who think they know things they do not know. The crook ass Baptist Hospital is owned by this same group of inadequates.
They should let the patient decide which hospital they want. Prisma can then go out of business as they should have long ago.