
National Bubba Day 2023

    Bubba Smith Storage Wars Texas
I've been called 'Bubba' many times in the past. It is a common apellation used to refer to southern men, particularly large hulking ones such as myself.

I've also known a lot of other people called 'Bubba'. As a rule it wasn't their given name, just the nickname to which they answered.

I for one detest being called 'Bubba' and you will learn this if you happen to transgress minimal decorum with me.

I think it's fine to be a Bubba. I'm just NOT one.

Today is National Bubba Day. It is held each June 2nd in some misbegotton notion that the name 'Bubba' should be honored.

This monstrosity is the brainchild of one T Bubba Bechtol — who is a comedian. Boy, I'll say ...

So the word originates as a southern slang term for the word brother. I construe it to be a perjorative label for someone who is stupid.

I am perpetually grateful that the name "Bubba" did not stick to me over the ensuing years as it has so many in my midst.

Anyway, if you go by the nickname 'Bubba' this day is for you.

Good luck with that.