It was a time when I was a computer hardware guy working in support of the medical profession.
I didn't feel it was my duty to get all prepped out to drag around large pieces of hardware, change filters and other consumables and service them otherwise in the grime that went along with them under desks and in ceiling tiles — though my good friend and cohort the late great Mike West — who passed in 2003 — always wore a three piece suit at work though we pretty much did the same things.
Yet another I have missed over the years.
Mine was t-shirt and blue jeans attire. I felt it was appropriate enough but took the heat for it constantly.
As the years evolved my tastes changed and I finally reached the dress shirt and tie phase which carried me through the last third of my career. I don't think the attire helped my job performance but I received considerably less whining from people who felt they owned me.
Today is National Blue Jeans Day. It goes down each December 5 in recognition of that pillar of the western fashionista, denim jeans.
It is said that each American owns about seven pairs of jeans. I'm considerably below the trend line at zero pairs in my wardrobe at this time.
Chalk it all up to how I dress these days. I simply have not been inspired to go out and obtain a pair of denim anything for a long time now.
My favorite aspect of denim clothing is the durability of the cloth. My least favorite aspect of denim clothing is the look, which I find to be somewhat tacky in those circles I tend to frequent anymore.