It is a celebration of the first of those 12 astrological signs into which many of us place great store regarding the human characteristics allegedly associated thereto.
Aries is named for a constellation and has been in use since the time of ancient Greek astrology.
It is portrayed by the symbol of the ram and this imparts those born under the sign between March 21 annd April 19 which is the reason why we who fall under this sign are said to be impulsive and energetic.
Yes, I am an aries though I don't place nearly the store into that association as many who are known to me.
It seems that we are called Arians or Ariens. We are also said to be associated with the color red because of our ruling planet, Mars.
People celebrate this holiday by hitting the horoscopes and sharing on social media.
I, for one, decline to participate. Like I said, I don't place a lot of store in astrology, horoscopes or those weirdos who do.
Sorry to be such a party pooper but Astrology lost a lot of credibility for me long ago.