
National American Beer Day 2023

Dylan Mulvaney Bud Light Asshole    

Today is National American Beer Day. It's an unofficial 'beer drinkers day' and goes down each October 27. It is to take note of the domestic lagers and ales brewed in the United States. It is not meant to cast aspersions on the fine imports like Corona, Heinekin, or Guinness.

My good friend fancies himself a brewmaster of sorts and he produces some very respectable beverages of the alcoholic brewed variety. From Mead to Wine I am confident that Sam can do it all even though he claims to be an amateur.

A late development on the brewing front are the craft beers and microbreweries which have proliferated with adherents running to the various shows carboys in hand ready to drink and be merry.

So despite the sorry white men like Dylan Mulvaney who professes to be a trans turd representing Bill Gates latest acquisiton which is the sorry product Bud Light ruined by it's idiot marketing executive the domestic beer industry remains intact and with only a few shifts in brand preferences here and there.

For example I will neither consume nor allow Bud Light to be consumed in my presence.

Yay National American Beer Day. Boo Bud Light. Boo Dylan man parading as some fake woman.

Forget Bill Gates, forget Dylan Mulvaney manbitch whore, forget Bud gd Light. Go buy some Yuengling.