While the road to Hell may be paved with 'good intentions' I find that those efforts I put forth were never all I was capable of and I attribute this to those various environments into which I found myself immersed.
My career, though successful by any standard wasn't really what I wanted for myself — and those people in charge of me in the workplace certainly would not be present in a perfect world.
Perfect world? AND JUST WHAT IS THAT? Chalk it all up to a lack of ambition? Perhaps, but I have always thought myself to be somewhat of an ambitious sort.
That "E" for effort was typically an F and the leadership of the workplace largely uninspiring — with exceptions here and there, of course. My sorry streak surfaced early ... and I didn't really know much about who I was and what I was about until very late in my journey.
When it came to "All" or "Nothing" I typically found myself on the nothing side of the equation by and large. When Mrs Robinson at Horace O'Bryant Jr High School dragged me into the hall and roundly chastised me for making Fs while scoring highest on their pitiful 'standardized' tests there is an indication of some disparate circumstance somewhere.
However, be all this as it may — I got through it all and continue to pay my bills in retirement. I see my former cohorts now and observe some of their lifestyles compared to my own. I feel I have a favorable outcome as far as existence goes ... even if I was a late bloomer and under achiever.
National All or Nothing Day is celebrated every July 26 to encourage people to give their all to every task or dream they embark on.
So if you engage in risks there are rewards ... the safety of living "risk free" is likely to be less than that for which you might have hoped.