
Namesake Day 2022

    David McCallum from the 6th Finger Outer Limits episode October 14, 1963

So today it is Namesake Day aka March 6th, a day set aside to acknowledge and recognize those from whom your own name was derived.

I was told I was named after President Dwight David Eisenhower and my maternal grandfather Johnnie Ray Johnstone.

Then I went to the hellhole known as Goose Creek High School for an excruciating year and learned

"Ray is a nigger name."

Lewis Miller
Miss McAllister's 9th grade history class
Goose Creek High School
circa 1970

Later I learned about Eisenhower and his 1954 Greada Treaty with the gray aliens permitting them to capture and experiment on us in exchange for technology while claiming to be gone having emergency dental work. The absolute short sighted nerve of this idiot. The grays never intended to honor the treaty and didn't do so.

Thusly, I'm not too keen on my namesake and therefore Namesake Day in general.

We have long traditions of naming people after other people.

Our heritage imparts some family members, some famous people, some who have lived their lives with particular distinction to be those for whom some of us find ourselves named.

Bear in mind though that which we are forced to experience by way of history may sometimes sully those choices made for us by others responsible for these aspects of our existence.

Happy Namesake Day ... and I hope your namesake hasn't been sullied as mine was at the hands of those unrelated to me.