
Michael Cohen is a lousy attorney

    DISLOYAL by Michael Cohen the Rat
Michael Cohen is an attorney who violated attorney client privilege between him and his long time client President Trump.

He makes a number of allegations like the rat that he is. All of them, particularly references to attempts to get Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, the Stormy Daniels debacle, and other alleged transgressions by the President are being taken with a grain of salt and an eye out for the sour grapes of termination and coersion by the democratic party during their sham impeachment investigations of which nothing was proven.

Then he makes a number of allegations he likewise cannot prove. For a person in a field which is supposedly based on the truth this man makes a poor case for attorneys everywhere. This cheese eating democrat surrender rat is rather like an ambulance chaser only he's attempting to cause the injury then profit from it.

In the United States a President is innocent until PROVEN guilty. This unscrupulous and immoral turd counsellor at law could do nothing except cast aspersions and now seeks to profit from the same. He is as untrustworthy as lawyers get and I'm not saying any of them are worthy of our trust at all. This one in particular has proven himself to be every bit the slimy bottom feeder that pointy fingered girlyman Chuck Shumer, the fugly and stupid Nancy Pelosi, dimwit Jerry Nadler, the eternal liar perjurious Adam Schiff as well as their host of democratic party accomplices demonstrate before the television cameras ad nauseum.

I simply decline to believe all the voters are as stupid as the democrats and this slug would have us believe.

Considering the source, this fodder would not be interesting reading for me as a technophile who doesn't pursue works of fiction as a rule.

BOO slimeball Michael Cohen.