
Make Your Dream Come True Day 2024

bilateral carotid arteriorgram    
At one time or another most of us have dreams. Some of us are careful not to make these dreams too lofty as to be unattainable. Others, like myself crash and burn.

Back in the day I had dreams of becoming a radiologist and working special procedures somewhere in that great wilderness which comprised all I knew at that point.

Later I found that I really didn't have the requisite desire for all the post graduate education. This was after many years of long hours spent in pursuit of the dream. Subsequently I let those career aims go for something I already was doing: computer programming, cable building, and hardware repair.

So while others attained that to which I had only aspired briefly I was still left doing that which so many others were unable to do despite years of post graduate education — which like my attempt was to no avail.

I recall a job interview where I was the only applicant lacking a PhD. The interview had a lab practicum skill test whereby we had one hour to set up a working 12 node network with printer, email server, web server, and correctly set up active directory central store.

As it turns out the only successful candidate in this group was my expert setup and I was appointed to the job. Upon finding out they lost out to someone without a degree there was intense ruckus and whining about the fact that they had the requisite education whereby I did not. The committee who made the assignment simply stated
"Yes, but he has demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that he can do the work whereas you have not."
So there you have it. I didn't attain my dream but I did have a 'Plan B' which turned out to be quite the satisfactory career now that it's over.

The moral of the story is that despite what all too many stupid HR wenches may claim are qualifications the indoctrinations from colleges and universities called degrees aren't worth the paper upon which they are printed and that your dream job may surely turn out to be 'Plan B'. There's a lot to be said for having an alternate route when it comes to career paths and earnings.

C'est la vie.

Today is Make Your Dream Come True Day. There is not much documented regarding it except that it is today. I say "go for it" but have the fortitude to pick the low hanging fruit instead should it become advantagous. In my particular case it made all the difference between the success I enjoyed and that failure which could have been my fate.