The decline of America began with the loss of the pursuit of excellence. Case in point, in the early to mid 1990s we raised a generation of burger flippers who thought it was preferable to smoke marijuana while in high school classes and generally be rude, stupid human beings.
This scum ultimately reproduced and gave rise to millennials, the single most self indulgent non academically spirited generation ever and the subsequent leftist libtard indoctrination by the stupid teachers in the public school system took care of the rest.
The Republicans are equally at fault for their laissez faire policy of not keeping their eye on the untrustworthy leftist libtard progressives of the NEA and other stupid teachers in the United States.
So now, where we were mostly pursuant of good things we are left with a lot of people who have the audacity to spew their unintelligent vitriol, claim to be a gender types they are not, and other abominations embraced by a democratic party out to seize power by stealing it, or lying to them, illegal immigration under the promises of unlimited entitlements at the expense of the taxpayer ... and supporting their idiotic illogical, and unscientific contentions like "transsexuality" the falsehood of climate change, and various perversions of history.
This has resulted in widespread desicration of the United States by an element which should not be allowed to operate nor exist in those falsehoods they not only spread, but actually believe in all their stupidity.
So when you think of Nancy Pelosi, Chuckie Schumer, the incessant liar Adam Schiff, the retarded Joe Biden and his criminal family as well as the corrupt Kamala Harris and subversive constituency of "the squad" just remember:
This is precisely the mess things become in the absence of proper governance and observing the rule of law. Things can and will change one way or another. It may require civil war but the democrats are on the defensive because they are not standing the scrutiny of the world in all their stupidity.
How could we not have controlled our destiny and the securty of the Republic MUCH better than this. We allowed criminal idiots without a modicum of substantive good to steal the election and nobody did anything about it.