My fondest memories of Christmas surround my Daddy going out into the woods and returning with a fine dense bushy evergreen for us to decorate and with which we got all festive.
Sometimes it would be a spruce, other times a pine, and occasionally even a fir.
Regardless, it added to the happy times each successive year of those memories added to my existence.
Now daddy is gone and we have a high falutin fiber optic tree in place of the natural ones he used to bring to us and oh how I yearn for yet another Christmas with him but alas, it can never happen.
Today is Look for an Evergreen Day.
Time to go out and fetch that magnificent tree like Daddy used to do to begin our Christmas season on Hollow Creek.
The literature states that the first evergreen tree ever decorated was in 1510 in Riga, Latvia.
It appears that the notion took in the mindsets of the populace because the practice continued from the 18th century onwards with all the jingle bells, tinsel, ornaments, fairy lights, and garlands which became seasonal decorations.
Still I remember the past and those memories are warm and vivid — and I yearn for it all again from time to time ...