My last trip to the doctor has resulted in a serious decrease in the number of pills I take daily.
The doses of some of the drugs have been cut a third to a half and I am somewhat concerned regarding the therapeutic impact.
The morning pill count is 4 pills less. There are no more afternoon doses which is down from 2 pills. The evening pill count is down to one pill from 4 total.
I have an appointment with my provider in October at the VA and she will determine how the lab work used to monitor my inferior genetics is looking at the appropriate time.
We decided that since the VA is my only option upon retirement then she, being the VA's physician, is handling my medical matters and I need to embrace the course of action she precribes ...
After all it's usual and customary to get with the program.
At least we're monitoring the situation satisfactorily.
Perhaps my advancing age in conjunction with that general compliance I have attempted to maintain faithfully are paying off and I simply don't need as many drugs each day as I have been taking.