When I was a child through young man I had companion animals. These were a couple of dogs and cats as well as a few rodents here and there but I was far too rough and gruff with them in retrospect. Since that time I have abstained from ownership in an effort to curtail any untoward behavior and over the years I have missed the presence of a pet every now and then.
My first dog's name was Bootsy. He was a terrier mutt and very tolerant of my rough housing. When we relocated from Charleston, SC to Key West, FL he was adopted by a nice couple from the neighborhood. I still think of him over the many ensuing years.
My second dog was Mae, a german shepherd mix born in April. By this time I was gentler with the animals but in retrospect I think a bit of the gruffness persisted despite my best efforts to be tolerant. Mae was struck by a vehicle and adopted by my good friend Glo who both took her to the animal hospital and paid for her surgery. She lived to be a happy old dog whom I was able to visit a couple of times over the years.
I recall upon my return to SC from California that Mae still remembered me.
When I was with the local school district I inherited a number of gerbils which became unnwieldy over time. My mother use to come into my place and she always commented on "the mouses". I think this overwhelming experience is the prime motivation for remaiing pet free these days ... but I don't rule anything out.
My best ole ex friend Mark had a Jack Russell Terrier named Rufus that I became quite attached to over the years. He met an untimely end under the wheels of a vehicle travelling down his street and this left me sad for an extended period. Rufus, like MacDougal, Mae's sire was one of the smartest animals I have ever known. I respect smart — regardless of the species. That's why I always enjoyed his company.
Today is Kindness to Animals Day. It has been around over 60 some odd years and is held on October 4. It began under the auspices of a proclamation issued by then-president of the Philippines, Carlos Polestico Garcia. I have cultivated compassion over the years and though I feel I would be an excellent caretaker of a pet these days I still resist the urge to go down to the shelter and adopt some needy animal though I think of it regularly.
Companion animals are said to reduce stressors and the feelings of anxiety and depression. It is said that they cure loneliness and cultivate respect and understanding for all living things.
I don't know if I'll ever take the plunge again, but rest assured I learned from those animals in my life and I think I became a better person for those experiences. Personal growth takes many forms and sometimes utilizes vectors beyond our realization.