Contrary to the opinion of some in my midst, I was fine with the notion of Juneteenth until it became a federal holiday.
The day allegedly commemorates the emancipation of enslaved Africans. It actually went down on June 19 but since the stupid people want to make anything associated with black people a federal holiday anymore now we have to observe it on the following Monday as required to insert it into the rectums of the white people of the nation as often as possible.
It is also often observed for providing yet another celebration of Africans and their culture as if it and they weren't already shoved up our asses daily.
So what's my problem with it all ?
The corresponding notion of reparations which raises it's ugly head all too often in the proceedings.
If black people want this African mess so badly why don't they all simply move back to Africa and assume the position ... be some other black person's slave or something.
It cannot be the fault of the United States that African slaves were brought here by Dutch slave traders prior to others becoming involved.
Take it up with the people of the Netherlands. The Dutch colonial trade empire enslaved you then sold you. The white trash making subsequent purchase were simply a market of simps and dupes.
Junteenth began in Galveston, Texas, and has seen celebration since 1865. It marks the end of slavery in the United States.
I don't mind the celebration of Juneteenth so much as the whiny reparations seeking that tends to be part and parcel of the notion.
I continue to decline to be bothered ... for while I view the plight of the slavery imposed on the Jews and the Africans as utterly abhorrent it simply is not going to be my problem at any level.
If you don't like it here leave but quit thinking the Republic owes you some dole because we are not all election stealing democrat idiots. This is why too many blacks are intellectual failures. The continual seeking of something for nothing gets you nowhere.
I had nothing to do with slavery nor have I ever condoned it.
Neither the Phoenicians nor the Egyptians offered to make reparations to the Jews. So take your whiny slave ancestor asses to the ancestors of the Dutch slave traders who brought you here.