
Johnny Appleseed Day

Johnny Appleseed (John-Chapman)
John Chapman
"Johnny Appleseed"
September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845

In my youth one of those colorful and memorable characters I studied was Johnny Appleseed.

He is attributed to spreading apples across wide swaths of the country and living sparsely with few comforts along the way.

The 11th of March and 26th of September are sometimes observed as Johnny Appleseed Day.

The date in September corresponds to Appleseed's birthdate.

The date in March is during planting season and for that reason sometimes takes precedence.

John Chapman was the man known as Johnny Appleseed. His story was said to be that of an American pioneer who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, as well as the northern counties of present-day West Virginia and Ontario.

He became a legend in his own time because he was kind and generous providing inspiration and leadership in conservation.

The threads differ on his role somewhat with some portraying him as a for profit nurseryman and others the romantic imagery of wayfarer with few possessions other than a tin pot for a hat and a bag of apple seeds procured from various cider mills along the way.

Regardless, Johnny Appleseed has been one of those enduring portraits of the many special people who have populated the Earth before my time.