
Job Action Day 2022

    cherry sucker
I went out to lunch with my girl last week and we had another episode elucidating the nature of job hunting for the retired. She had mentioned a lot of things I could be doing ...

Like macrame, pottery, and such and I just didn't seem too interested I suppose.

I told her that I didn't see me as a fast food idiot like those at Chick-Fil-A or worse yet ... McDonalds PUH—Leeze.

So anyway I had a look through the online want ads and alas, their search engines are just as crappy as google and bing from a standpoint of returning items related to specified search terms.

In frustration I abruptly halted the search as I decided I have grown entirely too picky in my old age to accept "just anything".

Far be it from me to wax all uppity but it appears that the IQs of everyone involved in hiring have dropped precipitously with one group not able to recognize qualifications and the other unable to produce any.

Needless to say I remain satisfied to sit on my butt and draw a check while doing nothing under these pitiful circumstance.

Beats being some greeter at gd walmart or worse.

There is a happening called Job Action Day under the auspices of some company called LiveCareer and they are online with their braggadocio dripping with claims of satisfactory hiring practices starting with a "resume builder".

It appears that I shall remain retired as the representative companies that hire their customers appear just as unsatisfactory as everyone else.

Must be the plight of the retiree to be forever dissatisfied. However, inasmuch as desperation no longer remains in the mix I simply decline to be that sucker the companies seek.