
J Edgar Hoover appointed first director of the FBI in 1924

J Edgar Hoover    
There is a lot in the various threads regarding the decline of the FBI and Justice Department in general.

Most of this is well deserved deep state operative agenda inserted into what is "supposed" to be an apolitical pursuit of justice and the law.

However, this has not been with the democrats apparently controlling way too much of government while the republicans sit idly by and do nothing unaware of anything germane to the world or the state of the Republic.

We are asking for the grief we're getting because the conservatives don't fight dirty like the liberals do.

On this day in 1924 homo transvestite black lister J Edgar Hoover was appointed first director of the US FBI and held that position until his death in 1972.

In keeping with the 'good ole boy' system which, though fragmented, still remains in place by and large his politics and influence were part and parcel to the espionage he conducted against various US citizens he viewed as subversive.

He and his partner, Clyde Anderson Tolson, second pervert in command at the FBI froliced happily after hours diddling each other and enjoying the best of what life had to offer at the expense of the US taxpayer.

I'm glad they're both gone from the face of the earth.

Such is the nature of politics and justice in the United States. No wonder the libtard democrats were permitted to steal the election with that unmitigated gall they continue to display.

The coming civil war cannot arrive too soon to suit me.