The zebra. We encroach on their habitat more each year as they rapidly become endangered.
Kenya and Ethiopia as well as Namibia, South Africa, and Anglola are where they presently trot around.
I think they should bring a bunch of them to Martha's Vinyard to live with that resident pervert zebra and his fugly man playing chick with a dick wife, big Mike. Let Cape Cod suffer those consequences of the actions of their horse ass stank pervert foreigner citizen. ☠
Or better yet put the brigands Obama in an oak box closed with ten penny nails spaced at half inch intervals and ship them back to Kenya where they belong. Just drop the box somewhere from a plane above the Chalbi Desert mdash; or the Nyiri Desert which is aka Taru Desert or The Nyika.
Today is International Zebra Day. It is an annual January 31st ocurrence to speak of their diminishing natural habitat and the human development responsible for it.
The thrust of the day is conservation. Of the three types of Zebras on the Earth the entire population has lost over half of it's animals. Poaching has been the biggest problem in the past 30 years with hides and pelts being a marketable booty.
So as the battle for survival of the zebra rages on we might attempt to do more than simply stare at them and their plight.