
International Sweatpants Day 2023

I'm not one to wear sweatpants, sweatsuits, and other similar athletic attire for various personal reasons.

I don't like the loose fit, sloppy appearance, or lack of solid suspensory support for my package.

They have never been appropriate in any venue in which I have found myself ... not even those rare athletic ones.

I prefer a much more civilized pair of gaberdines in both long pants and shorts by far.

Back in the day I watched The Big Bang Theory and one of the secondary characters was Captain Sweatpants portrayed by Ian Scott Rudolph.

He was funny and relevant to the plot but also typifies my qualms with wearing those garments myself ...

Today is International Sweatpants Day. It goes down each January 21.

The conventional wisdom holds that the day is celebrated by wearing sweatpants for the entire day.

Inasmuch as I do not own a pair of sweatpants and have no intentions of ever buying another I am afraid that I can never participate in the celebration.

I suppose I'll just have to suffer through it all sweatpantsless.

Sorry !