
International Self Care Day 2024

In this worldly existence, it is not enough to ask others for help. One must also implement help for one's self.

    Teeter Hangup
Toward that end I try to accommodate my gravity challenged corpulence by hanging upside down on my inversion table in an effort to decompress my vertebral and skeletal musculature from time to time. I find it helps with backache and posture. I have had to work up an ability to be upside down having a very low tolerance early on.

I also try to do other things which aid my existence as well such as take the enzyme superoxide dismutase to repair DNA and other free radical elimination substances as a part of my daily supplementation. Being a wholistic healthcare worker for the first 10 years of my career, the notion of "natural" substances appeals to me.

Notably I have a good comprehensive multivitamin and a corresponding multimineral. Then there is the ubiquinol for heart health, the xanthin and zeanthin for my aging myopic eyeballs — and the nail prep to augment my integument.

My nail practioner, Mrs Goodfoot who does my mani pedi treatment says that my nails are exceptional for my age. No yellow, no fungus, no funk, no cracking, no misshapen contours.

All of this has been a rather expensive alternative to blindly accepting age and age related disorders but I refuse to go quietly into the night.

Today is International Self-Care Day. It has been observed each July 24 since 2011 under the auspices of the International Self-Care Foundation as a vehicle to emphasize importance of self-care as a fundamental tenet of wellness. The day encourages people to implement and utilize self-care a part of their everyday routines and prioritize it as a viable mechanism towards total health.

I view a healthy diet, exercise, and hygiene as essential aspects of this notion of "self care". Indeed, I have evolved into somewhat a 'hygiene freak' toward that end. Taking care of the business of self care goes a long way in maintaining one's own state from mental health through the various therapies for chronic diseases which plague the modern individual.